Prof. Dr. Bernhard Renard

Development of a Platform for Modeling the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 mutations

Bachelor Project - Winter Semester 2021/22 and Summer Semester 2022

Supervisors: Ferdous Nasri, Fabio Miranda, Dr. Athar Khodabakhsh, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Renard

Link: Bachelor Projects IT-Systems Engineering

From left to right: Fábio Miranda, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Renard, Alice Wittig, Simon Knott, Conrad Halle, Lukas Wenner, Paul Chevelev, Simon Cyrani, Margarete Dippel, Marvin Jerome Stephan, Dr. Athar Khodabakhsh, Ferdous Nasri, Richard Schiemenz.

Project Description:

This bachelor project aims to design and prototype a platform for an outbreak map with a focus on mutation data in Germany. The project’s underlying idea is to identify the origin of different mutations in Germany and also visualize their spreading patterns in order to better model and hinder the extensive spread of other mutations in the future. The data resources include genomic mutations (from RKI [1], as presented in covradar [2]) and mobility patterns in Germany and also from other countries to Germany. By monitoring the mobility data from phones, the movement of the population can be measured to correlate events and make predictions on behavioral changes and early detection of possible outbreaks.

Plots showing mutation frequency and mobility change in different locations in February 2021

Images taken from: covid-19-mobility [3]. (gif made with ezgif [4].)
Images taken from: covradar [5]. Note the locations marked on the mutations map are sequencing lab locations and not patient locations as this information is confidential. (gif made with ezgif [4].)

The requirements listed below are to be implemented in the prototype:

  • Prototype design of a data integration architecture;
  • Software implementation using Agile development methodology;
  • Analysis of interoperability among data using Statistical and Machine Learning methods for the spread of SARS-CoV-2 mutations;
  • Visualization of the spread of mutations.

Project Team

The bachelor project is organised by the Data Analytics and Computational Statistics chair. The supervisors are listed below. Link to original project description (in German).

Please don’t hesitate to email us with any question or to set up a (zoom) meeting.


Research Scientist, PhD Candidate

Room: HPI Campus II, F-E.03
Phone: +49-(0)331 5509- 4969
E-Mail: Ferdous.Nasri(at)hpi.de

Fabio Malcher Miranda

PhD Student

Room: F-E.07
Phone: +49-(0)331 5509-4966
E-Mail: Fabio.Malchermiranda(at)hpi.de


Room: FE.08
Phone: + 49- (0) 331 5509- 4917
E-Mail: athar.khodabakhsh (at) hpi.de

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Renard

Professor for Data Analytics and Computational Statistics
Currently on sabbatical at Boston Childrens Hospital
E-Mail: bernhard.renard(at)hpi.de