Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert Arnrich


ARTEMIS: An Alarm Threshold and Policy Mining System for the Intensive Care Unit

New Publication at the International Journal of Medical Informatics

Our paper "ARTEMIS: An Alarm Threshold and Policy Mining System for the Intensive Care Unit” has been published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics in January 2024. Together with partners from Charité, we present a system for optimising alarm policies for intensive care units (ICUs). This can help to reduce the tremendous number of alarms that ICU staff faces every day. Unfortunately, most of these alarms are unnecessary, as we learned and experienced in multiple visits to different ICUs across Berlin. ARTEMIS can help to bring down the number of alarms by simulating an ICU where policy makers can test different alarm policies. This way, policy makers can explore the effect of different alarm policies on the alarm load through trial and error without endangering patients.

Find out how we do this, by reading the paper: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2024.105349