Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Alumni Event

30 October 2019

Former students, researchers and teachers belong to the HPI family. A long-lasting network and connections are important to us to benefit from our joint potential.

With the 20th anniversary of the HPI, we are also celebrating our 1,500 alumni. We warmly invite them to return to their institute and meet former fellow students and the HPI faculty as well as to establish new networks.

On October 30, 2019, we offer a diverse and inspiring program with a Startup Fair Startup Fair (exclusively with HPI Alumni startups), and presentations by successful HPI graduates.

Among the speakers are:

  • Dr. Frank Keller, VP Global Sales Strategy, Operations & Transformation, PayPal with a keynote on „Designing Digital Transformation“
  • Jannik Streek, Nicholas Wittstruck und Gerardo Navarro Suarez from EDEKA foodstarter, EDEKA Digital and Bringmeister
  • Daniel Taschik, Co-Founder & CTO, myCrew App
  • Martin Karlsch, Co-Founder & CTO, Remerge
  • Jonas Gebhardt, Founder & CEO, Objective Loop (previous Engineering Manager, Facebook)

In the evening, there will be a meetup and party for HPI alumni, professors and staff to discuss the results of the day and to connect.

Alumni at HPI

Since 1999, around 1,900 bachelor's and master's degrees in "IT Systems Engineering" have been obtained. Since the 2018/19 winter semester, students have also been working toward their master's in Data Engineering and Digital Health at the HPI.

While the bachelor's program "IT-Systems Engineering" is a particularly practice- and software-oriented computer science program, the graduates of the innovative and future-oriented master's programs are specifically trained for future management and leadership positions. Whether in a company or in a specially founded start-up, HPI alumni enjoy an excellent national and international reputation and are sought after specialists.

In addition to careers at SAP, BMW, Paypal or in the field of science, many HPI graduates start their own company during their studies

The HPI Alumni Management

Beyond its anniversary, HPI offers its graduates many opportunities to stay in touch with HPI.

In addition to the regular meetup, the “Alumni Stammtisch,” the annual "Alumni Homecoming" at the HPI Summer Festival offers the opportunity to return to HPI, exchange ideas, and meet old friends.

With the HPI Connect job portal, HPI has created a platform where HPI graduates not only find exclusive job offers, but companies also find employees for their start-ups. It’s a place where alumni can establish contact with their former classmates.

As an HPI graduate, you can now register on the portal and receive a lifetime HPI alumni email address.

The HPI Alumni Newsletter will inform you about current developments at the Hasso Plattner Institute and invite you to alumni events and other events at HPI, such as the Potsdam Conference on National Cyber Security or the Industrie 4.0 Conference. Through the newsletter and regular events, alumni are kept informed about current developments at HPI.

Also popular with HPI students and graduates is the annual HPI Connect Fair - — the networking event for IT companies, students and alumni of the Hasso Plattner Institute. The event series “HPI meets...” features regular reports by former HPI students about their day-to-day work and start-up companies.

Find out more about the great offers that benefit HPI alumni.

Alumni Video Portraits

Successful HPI graduates include Dr. Stephanie Müller, Assistant Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Dr. Jürgen Müller, Member of the Executive Board of SAP SE; and Dr. Gero Decker, Founder, Signavio.

Learn about some HPI graduates in the following video portraits.(Videos in German only)