Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


You would like to apply for a degree at the Hasso Plattner Institute? Prospective students will find all information about the application process, required documents and deadlines to be met below.


Application for Studies at the Highest Level

All degree programs are admission restricted to guarantee the high quality of teaching at the Hasso Plattner Institute. Every year at the start of the winter semester, HPI admits 80 Bachelor students. The Master's program can be started in the winter or summer semester, depending on the program. Here, HPI selects approx. 30 applicants in each Master's program.

There are no tuition fees for studying at the Hasso Plattner Institute. As students of the joint Digital Engineering Faculty, our students are enrolled at the University of Potsdam and pay the semester fee charged there.

  • Bachelor
    The bachelor’s program in IT Systems Engineering, comprised of six semesters, is the first state-accredited academic degree at HPI.  The general higher education school-leaving diploma (high school diploma) is an entry requirement. 
  • Master
    The master’s programs are comprised of four semesters. For admission to the programs an undergraduate degree in the same or a related computer science field is necessary.
  • Doctorate
    PhD candidates at HPI can earn their degree while working as a research assistant in one of the research groups or as a scholarship holder at the HPI Research School.

Application and Enrollment Deadlines

You can find the current dates and deadlines for application and enrollment on the University of Potsdam website.

Apply for Design Thinking