Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Object-Centric Business Processes (Sommersemester 2024)

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Mathias Weske (Business Process Technology) , Maximilian Völker (Business Process Technology)

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4
  • ECTS: 6
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 01.04.2024-30.04.2024
  • Prüfungszeitpunkt §9 (4) BAMA-O: 22.05.2024 (intermediate presentations)
  • Lehrform: Seminar
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul
  • Lehrsprache: Englisch

Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module

IT-Systems Engineering MA
  • BPET: Business Process & Enterprise Technologies
    • HPI-BPET-K Konzepte und Methoden
  • BPET: Business Process & Enterprise Technologies
    • HPI-BPET-T Techniken und Werkzeuge
  • BPET: Business Process & Enterprise Technologies
    • HPI-BPET-S Spezialisierung
  • SAMT: Software Architecture & Modeling Technology
    • HPI-SAMT-K Konzepte und Methoden
  • SAMT: Software Architecture & Modeling Technology
    • HPI-SAMT-T Techniken und Werkzeuge
  • SAMT: Software Architecture & Modeling Technology
    • HPI-SAMT-S Spezialisierung
Data Engineering MA


Please enrol in the moodle course:
Key: O-CBP24

In the area of business process management (BPM), traditional approaches and research have predominantly concentrated on the control flow and sequencing of activities, often neglecting the critical role of data. However, data is a fundamental cornerstone of organizations and their processes, as it can, for example, be instrumental in decision-making and thus significantly affect process execution. Recognizing its importance, recent advances in the research are moving towards a more data-centric view. A prominent example of this is "object-centric process mining", which acknowledges that focusing solely on control flow leads to an incomplete and perhaps even misleading understanding of the process and its data.

In this seminar, we want to further explore the relationships between data and business processes, not only related to process mining, but also for other areas of BPM that could greatly benefit from a more object-centric approach, such as flexible case modeling, choreographies, and robotic process automation.

Throughout the semester, you will:

  • work on recent scientific literature,
  • devise an approach to address a chosen research question,
  • give two presentations on your progress,
  • write a scientific paper on the results of your work,
  • and participate in the discussions of your peer's presentations.


This seminar is for master students who are familiar with business process management and who would like to address current research challenges in the field. Ideally, participants have already taken the course on Business Process Intelligence, or Process-oriented Information Systems (POIS) in their Bachelors.


Relevant papers will be distributed individually depending on the chosen topic of each student (group).

Lern- und Lehrformen

After choosing their topic, students will work on it autonomously, accompanied by regular meetings with their supervisor. The available topics will be presented in the kick-off meeting.


The final grade of the seminar will be composed of the following:

  1. Intermediate presentation (22.05.2024)
  2. Final presentation
  3. Research paper (+ prototype)
  4. Review of a peer's research paper


The kick-off meeting will take place on Monday, 8th April, 11 a.m. in Room A-1.1.

Deadline for topic selection (via Moodle): 15th April

Please don't forget to enrol in the Moodle course (see description above).

During the semester, you will have individual meetings with your supervisor.
