Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert Arnrich

Prof. Dr. Bert Arnrich

Head of the Chair, Professor for Digital Health - Connected Healthcare

Phone: +49-(0)331 5509-4850

Room: G-2.1.14

Email: bert.arnrich(at)hpi.de


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert Arnrich is head of the Chair Digital Health - Connected Healthcare at the joint Digital-Engineering Faculty of Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and the University of Potsdam.

The research group Digital Health - Connected Healthcare aims to pave the way for transforming healthcare systems from purely managing illness to maintaining wellness. Ubiquitous sensing and computing technologies are foreseen as the key enabler for pushing the paradigm shift from the established provider-centric healthcare model to a user-centered and preventive overall lifestyle health management that is available everywhere, anytime and to anyone.

Bert Arnrich has been a PI in several European and national research projects. He studied "Informatics in the Natural Sciences". In his PhD thesis he implemented an early big data approach that collects and consolidates patient data for scientific data analysis. At ETH Zurich he established and headed the research group Pervasive Healthcare in the Wearable Computing Laboratory. He received a Marie Curie Cofound Fellowship from the European Union and was appointed to tenure track professorship at the Computer Engineering Department at Bosporus University. He worked as a Science Manager for Emerging Technologies at Accenture Technology Solutions.