Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

After your Studies

HPI alumni are highly regarded in the industry and research fields. Under "After graduation", graduates of the Hasso Plattner Institute can find information on the career platform HPI Connect, on doctoral studies and on the continuing education programs offered by the HPI Academy.


The HPI Connect portal bundles information on career opportunities, job offers and event information. Companies can present themselves via the career platform and get in direct contact with HPI students and graduates.

HPI offers those interested in research an attractive environment for their doctorate. More than 140 doctoral students have already successfully completed their doctorates at HPI, thus laying an important foundation for their scientific careers.

The HPI Academy offers professionals a wide range of continuing education opportunities and leadership programs. A major focus lies on the use of the Design Thinking innovation method as well as the topics of IT and digital transformation.