Prof. Dr. Falk Uebernickel

Mission & Vision

Climate change and digitization are probably the two most important megatrends that humanity has to cope with in the 21st century. However, as liberal societies, one approach to master these challenges is the creativity of the human mind resulting in game-changing innovations. It’s the ideas of individuals that have helped us to cope with changing environments for a long time. Also in today’s world, it is necessary to embrace the power of innovations in different dimensions and areas. However, addressing the mega challenges in front of us also needs a new way to think about innovations. Beyond addressing technical or financial issues we need a more inclusive and holistic, human-centered concept of innovation.  

To do so by scientific research and to reveal the secrets of human-centered innovations in different areas is what is driving our chair! Like the Hasso Plattner Institute has committed itself towards the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, our chair understands our research especially contributing to SDG 3. Thus, we aim to foster human-centered innovation in our society. 

Solving the riddle of innovation requires knowledge from different perspectives. Thereby we deploy an inter- and transdisciplinary approach in our way of working. This approach towards knowledge creation shall also be the aim internally. We strive to cross bridges between software engineering, computer science, and application fields here at Hasso Plattner Institute. As a starting point, we want to increase the value of IT by deploying human-centered methodologies in the areas of Digital Health and Cybersecurity by different projects.

Thus, we collaborate with partners from other Universities, NGOs, and private companies to solve the urgent issues of our time for the next generation. Enabling young and talented minds in research and teaching is our mandate as part of an academic institution.