Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2014

8 – 11 October 2014

From 8-11 October 2014, 5000 women computer scientists from all over the world are expected to attend the “Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.”  HPI will be participating at this prestigious IT event for the fourth time.

Just as in the last 3 years, women computer scientists will be representing HPI at a booth during the fair held in the United States. Not only will the current scientific projects of students and assistants be presented to international visitors and exhibitors but also those projects of general interest.
For this year’s fair, HPI is presenting two travel grants to computer science students for the first time. The grants have been awarded to HPI master student Lisa Pfisterer and bachelor student Maren Sindlingen, who studies at the University of Applied Science Offenburg.

The Travel Grant Winners

Maren Sindlingen (University of Applied Science Offenburg)

Lisa Pfisterer (HPI master’s student)

An Overview of HPI Projects

HPI Identity Leak Checker

HPI School of Design Thinking

HPI Connect – The Hasso Plattner Institute Career Platform

HPI Research School

HPI Future SOC Lab

Tele-Board MED