Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Digital Health, Economics & Policy

Prof. Dr. Ariel Dora Stern

The research group Digital Health, Economics & Policy, headed by Prof. Ariel Dora Stern, focuses on interdisciplinary research at the intersection of technology management, public policy, and innovation in health care, using methods from econometrics and data science. The research group studies the regulation, strategy, and economics of health care, with a focus on emerging health care technologies and delivery modalities.


Prof. Dr. Ariel Dora Stern
Health Economics and Policy

Room: G-3.2.11
Tel: +49-(0)331 5509-4829
e-mail: Ariel.Stern(at)hpi.de

Sophie Gaedicke

Room: G-3.2.08
Tel.: +49-(0)331 5509-3466
e-Mail: office-stern(at)hpi.de