Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


Ideathon on AI & Society

Discuss the topic "Bridging the Gap - Critical Questions for AI"!

At the Ideathon, an ideas competition, on January 13 and 14 at HPI, everything revolves around the topic of AI and the question: "Are we correctly assessing the opportunities and dangers of AI?" With the event, organizer and HPI student Claire Patzig is reacting to the observation that media communication on the topic of AI often focuses on superlatives and portrays the technology itself as either good or bad. In her view, it is much more important for what purposes AI is used or where the data basis comes from.

In teams of 3-5 people, the Ideathon participants compete against each other in two challenges. They will examine the social impact of AI and develop ideas for technical solutions to communicate these topics to people. At the end, the best teams will receive prize money of 1000 euros per challenge.

Participation is possible on site and digitally, and interested parties from all over Europe aged 16 and over are invited. No previous experience is necessary.

More information and registration at: https://criticalquestionsforai.de/

The initiative goes back to the European Youth Event (EYE) of the European Parliament, at which over 5,000 young people come together every two years to develop key ideas for future European policy. As a so-called EYEdea Booster, Claire Patzig represents the call for more support for innovative AI projects as part of the Youth Idea Report, which emerged from the EYE.