Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


Prof. Lothar H. Wieler joining HPI on April 1, 2023

Prof. Lothar H. Wieler will become the spokesperson of the Digital Health Cluster at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) on April 1, 2023. With the new cluster and Wieler's scientific expertise in the field of public health, HPI aims to expand further and strengthen its digital health area.

Prof. Dr. Lothar H. Wieler

HPI appoints Prof. Lothar H. Wieler as a spokesperson for the Digital Health Cluster at HPI, starting in April. Wieler is a world-renowned scientist in the fields of microbiology and infectious medicine. As president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), he consistently championed data-driven science and the accelerated digital transformation at  the institute.

With its digital health division, HPI has been uniting researchers from the fields of health and life sciences, data science, and digital engineering since 2017, with the common goal of improving the health and well-being of our society. The pandemic has made the fundamental importance of this work more apparent than ever before. For this reason, the Hasso Plattner Foundation has decided to further strengthen and expand this area. With Wieler, HPI is gaining valuable scientific expertise and experience, particularly  in the field of public health.

"With Professor Lothar Wieler, we are delighted to be gaining a renowned expert in the field of public health for HPI," said  Prof. Tobias Friedrich, Managing Director of HPI and Dean of the Digital Engineering Faculty. "He will optimally  complement our existing knowledge in digital technologies with his scientific expertise and experience in the field of public health. As spokesperson for the Digital Health cluster, he will focus and further advance our activities."

"After eight years as a scientist at the top of the RKI, I am looking forward to the opportunity to bring my experience from the public health sector and pandemic response to HPI, one of the leading research institutes in the digital world. This pandemic will not be the last, but we can better prepare for the future by drawing the right conclusions and investing in research now. I hope to help advance digitization in public health nationally and internationally. HPI offers the opportunity to do this, said Wieler.

Prof. Wieler, we wish you a good start at HPI!