Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

FAQs on the Master's application

Are you interested in our Master's programs?We will be happy to support you with your application.Here we answer the most important questions about your Master's application.

1. Studying at HPI

How is the degree program structured?

Are there tuition fees at HPI?

Which programming languages are used in the degree program?

Is an internship semester planned?

Does the Hasso Plattner Institute co-operate with universities abroad?

What is campus life like at HPI?

How high is the proportion of female students?

What is the housing situation like in Potsdam and how can I get a space in student housing?

What is the average cost of living? What should I expect?

2. Application Requirements

What language skills are required for studying at HPI?

Do I have to be able to program before I start my studies?

How successful is an application with a Bachelor's degree other than IT Systems Engineering?

I have not yet completed my studies; can I still apply?

Are foreign BSc. degrees accepted for Master's applications?

3. Questions about the application procedure and documents

How and when can I apply for a Master's program at HPI?

How does the application through uni-assist e.V. work?

What application documents do I need to submit?

How is the decision made about whether or not I get a study spot?

To whom are the required documents sent?

Further questions about uni-assist e.V.?

4. Further Topics

How does a university transfer work?

Can I begin my degree program one semester later?

Counseling and infrastructure at the University of Potsdam

5. International Applicants

You would like to apply for a study program at Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI)?