Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle

30. Januar 2020

Navigating into the Digital Economy

Wir freuen uns, Sie zur Antrittsvorlesung an die von Universität Potsdam und Hasso-Plattner-Institut gemeinsam getragene Digital-Engineering-Fakultät einladen zu können. Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle wird am 30. Januar 2020 zum Thema „Navigating into the Digital Economy.“ sprechen.

Prof. Dr. Hölzle und Team
Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle und Team (Foto: HPI/K. Herschelmann)

Die Antrittsvorlesung wird in englischer Sprache gehalten:

Digital technologies change our professional and private lives fundamentally. They are the fabric of entrepreneurship and innovation across industries and nations, disrupting existing businesses, and creating new ones. In her inaugural lecture, Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle examines the role of digital technologies from three different perspectives - first, as drivers for entrepreneurial operations and the disruptions they cause (digital entrepreneurship), second, as transformers of organizations and business models (digital transformation), and third, for the re-design of innovation policies and innovation systems to account for the consequences of digitalization (digital ecosystems). She will provide an outlook on the changing role of (higher) education for developing a digital mindset.

Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 16:00 Uhr im Hörsaal 1 am Hasso-Plattner-Institut.