Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

The Health Cloud Gives Patients Control Over Their Own Data

With the help of a new platform for healthcare data, patients will be able to collect, manage and share their own medical information in digital form. The “health cloud” is currently being developed by computer scientists and medical experts at Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI).

Computer scientists and medical experts at HPI currently develop the “health cloud”. (Source: HPI/K. Herschelmann)

At the new platform, patients have the opportunity to merge data from different sources. These sources can be as diverse as medical labs or information from digital fitness equipment. Storage, which is centralized in the cloud, is subject to the most rigorous security requirements.

Users decide themselves on a case-by-case basis  whether they want to make their personal data available and, if so, to whom. Thanks to a comprehensive patient history, physicians involved in treatment can, for example,  create precise diagnoses and therapies.

Patients can also provide their data for medical research anonymously. This clinical information (which cannot be traced back to an individual patient) makes it possible to conduct research on common diseases in a more timely manner.

You can find further information here: https://hpi.de/gesundheitscloud.